Celebrating Ukraine’s Defender Day and the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks

On October the 12th and the 13th, the students of Scandinavian Gymnasium celebrated the Day of the Defender of Ukraine and the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

The boys of the 4A form showed excellent physical fitness, and the girls supported their classmates with dances. After the competition, the students received gifts.

They had a very good time!

The boys of the 2B form went on a dangerous journey to reach the island of "Khortytsya". Thanks to the coordinated teamwork, the boys surmounted 9 obstacles-competitions as easily as their ancestors. The girls supported them in different ways, inspired them with beautiful poems. For their diligence, the boys received awards in the form of badges with the Ukrainian national emblem - the trident. After the competition, by ancient tradition, all the students shared a meal – they ate kulish (national liquid porridge) and drank uzvar (national compote made of dried fruit).

All the students of 5G form held sports competitions among boys and girls, supporting martial arts traditions of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

The students also visited the National Museum of Ukraine where they held a quest based on the history of our country.

День українського козацтва у Скандинавській гімназії

Святкування Дня Захисника України в скандинавській гіиназії

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