To the world of the English language in the "Magic Train"

The Festival of Creativity and Intelligence is under way at our elementary school. Our third graders shone as bright stars in "The Constellation". During the first days of spring they, along with the teachers and parents, traveled to the world of English in the "Magic Train."
The third grade pupils visited the Planet of Sports, the Cheerful School, the World of Playful Animals and the Country of Fairy Tales. The textbook characters came to life on the stage with the help of the children and teachers of English: O. Smotrova., N. Kanyuka, O. Melnik, N. Lossevich, N. Sabadazh, A. Marinenko.

The Festival was most successful: the children showed not only their knowledge of the English language, but also their outstanding acting skills! The parents also were able to feel like children and remember their school childhood.

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Триває творчо-інтелектуальний фестиваль початкової школи.

We wish the students of Scandinavian Gymnasium success in learning English!

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