Guests from Lidcoping

Guests from Lidcoping

From the 16th through the 19th of October a group of teachers from De La Guardia Gymnasium (Lidcoping, Sweden) visited our gymnasium. Marianne' Agelin-Scorshedt, Dan Klashon, and Vent Larm came to our school to see the curriculum, to meet the students, to assess their Swedish and English language skills. The guests were amazed by the openness and democratic thoughts of our senior students and sufficiently high language level of some students. The teachers suggested initiating a modern students’ project for both gymnasiums which will reflect common ideas of the young people. For subsequent funding of project both high schools will appeal to the Swedish Institute for help. The guests also had the opportunity to attend the lessons of our teachers, to make a tour of the city, to visit the Chornobyl Museum, and the Opera House.

Guests from Lidcoping

Guests from Lidcoping

Guests from Lidcoping

Guests from Lidcoping 

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