Lessons from native speakers

Meeting with teachers-native speakers have become traditional in our school. So this autumn Eldar Totland, a teacher of Norwegian, and Julia Pippet, a teacher of English, came to Scandinavian Gymnasium. Our new friends gave lessons in the Norwegian language for the students of the 5-11 grades, and in the English language for the students of the 6th grade.

Unexpected became a visit to the gymnasium of Douglas Trappetta, the Ambassador of Australia, and his wife Robin Batten who shared information about their state with pupils of  the 11th grades in the geography lesson.  The diplomats asked the students what they knew about Australia, and students, in turn, were interested in the peculiarities of the history and culture of this wonderful country.

Teacher Norwegian Eldar Totlend

Lessons from native speakers

Australian Ambassador Douglas Trappett and his wife Robin Batten

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