St. Lucia Day

December the 13th is an important date for the people of Sweden. That's when they celebrate St. Lucia. It has become a tradition for the students of our gymnasium to celebrate this day with the Swedish community in Kyiv.

On December the 12th our students were invited by Haqqani Herstremom, the attaché of the Swedish Embassy, to celebrate the holiday. The gymnasium "Merry Notes" choir congratulated the guests by singing traditional Swedish songs. The children talked about their school and invited the Swedish to visit Scandinavian gymnasium.

The younger students were not ignored. For the 4-graders a presentation “A Journey to Sweden” was given prepared by the 7D form. During the lesson the children studied the charming northern country, its traditions, customs, and learnt about its famous people, sang holiday songs. Next year the younger students will start learning Swedish so the first acquaintance with the country was interesting and fascinating for them.

St. Lucia Day

St. Lucia Day

St. Lucia Day

St. Lucia Day

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